This year, give the Valentine’s Day gift that has the power to heal and reunite!
Give Jesus .... he is more than just a valentine, he is love incarnate. This Valentine has eyes only for you. In his eyes, you will see your beauty, your ability, your worth, your greatness, your future, your hope, your calling. You are called to be loved and to give love. So maybe this year for Valentine's Day, you give Jesus. If you do, be ready for nothing to ever be the same again.
Essential Oil suggestion: Joy, Sacred Mountain - two blends that encourage feelings of love, security and hope. Use with of them during prayer or to start your day.

Why does life seem so overwhelming? We set goals and have good intentions, but there never seems to be enough time, money or energy for achieving life’s biggest goals.
Instead of making progress, our lives seem even more out of balance.
Well, for the next few weeks, I’d like to help you overcome the overwhelm and work on achieving balance in every major life category.
So let's chat!
I love to fish and I have some great stories to tell! Jesus told us He would make us fishers of man. There's a story in the bible about calling the fishermen to leave their nets and follow Him. Some say the Bible is one big fish story to which I say “yes it is”. The greatest fish story ever told of a man who called us out of the darkness and into the light; of a man to willingly suffered and died for us and our children and their children.
Today I’d like to ask you…do you know your “Fish story”?
What is your first memory of encountering Jesus?
How did you feel? Did it change you in any way?
Did you tell anyone about it? Do you still?

Today we are looking at giving those excuses and an exit strategy!
The 3 reasons most people keep their excuses around so long are:
1. Our subconscious has become big bullies in our minds. We've told ourselves the words "I can't" so many times that when we go to make those changes, the big bully steps in and sabotages our efforts.
2. They are not setting realistic goals or goals that can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time.
3. They do not have any accountability.
With all of that in mind, there are 3 simple adjustments you can make RIGHT NOW to make an impact. Give your excuses the exit strategy they need by:
1. Changing your mindset and learning mindset action steps.
2. Set SMART goals. I love acronyms and this one is great! Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and linked to time.
3. Get yourself some "people"! We all need accountability and getting one or a few people together who will help you stay the course is so important. I have a group of 2 women in my life that I like to call my "Goal Getter Girls" ...they bless me beyond measure and have been so instrumental in getting me to where I find myself today...building my big, beautiful, balanced life!
Here is the link to the video I did on this topic:
If you are looking for a "Goal Getter Girl", I would consider it a privilege to walk you through an awesome well-proven process of setting goals, staying accountable, and bringing balance into the 7 key areas of your life. I have Bootcamps & 1:1 opportunities available so don't hesitate to schedule a 15 min discovery call with me to see if it would be a good fit.