A midlife momma and wellness warrior…that’s me! I am on an epic journey that has taken me from tired, stressed, overweight, undervalued, and living with debilitating pain, every single day, to the person I am choosing to be today. I believe that if you are not changing, you are choosing! So every day I make the choices that are leading me to my best life. In 4 years, I have gone from surviving to thriving. From exhausted to exhilarated. From stressed to blessed. My home has been completely transformed from toxic to healthy…one simple step at a time.
Let me be real for a moment and admit to you that I was close to giving up, close to walking away from the very things that brought meaning to my life. I had nothing left to give my family, my friends, my job, or myself. My body was failing me and I was losing my mind. Or so I thought when I could no longer find everyday words and the music didn’t make sense anymore. I was a walking, talking billboard for stress-induced burnout and I was terrified I would never find my way back. Or worse, I wouldn’t be able to keep smiling and everyone would see me the way I saw myself, as a fake, pathetic, excuse for a wife, mother, & Christian woman.
Does any of that sound familiar?
From one warrior to another, let me tell you that you never have to stay in that place. Your meaningful life is just a single step away! Meaningful in the ways you are present for your family, in the way you live your life…in the way you take care of YOU! This is where I come in…I help others walk into their best lives, one simple step at a time.
If you are looking for authentic community, quality options, and simple solutions, I'd be blessed if you allowed me to walk with you. I welcome you to join my community of wellness warriors, taking back our health and our wellness as we strive to live our best lives...together!
Are you ready to fight for YOU, to build the beautiful life you deserve? I know I am!